Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sims 2 Motives: Environment

Environment: A surprisingly unpredictable motive that is based on the area
that the sim is in at any given time, not just the room as a whole. Although
difficult, it is possible to get perfect environment, all you need are
expensive wall coverings and tiles, lots of light and for the room not to be
a hive of scum and villainy filled with puddles, dirty dishes or other signs
of filth. Usually, the most forgotten factor is light, sometimes, you have to
double up lights or make sure that they are on during the day time if your
house is lacking windows. Environment is rated on several different factors
that have maximums and are generalized, so stuffing your room full of
expensive art can only do so much to counter the smell of rotten meat and bad
interior design.

Outside, environment is a whole different ball game, but typically, the best
ways to boost it are trees. Trees don't require maintenance while an
overgrown shrub or rotten patch of flowers can damage environment more than
help it. Environment is probably the least important factor in the game, but
it is the only one that once you have established well, you can count on to
be consistent, so getting the favorite room in your house perfect can be a
lot of fun and help to make your sims happy and content while in it. In
university, you'll be decorating your dorm room and building a legacy worthy
Greek House, so keeping environment in mind is always the right idea.