Sunday, January 15, 2006

Here's a great tip I found...

Here's a great tip I found in the comments section of my Sims 2 Fansite blog.

Linda said...
There's a much easier way to give a Sim family funds, if you have NightLife. Just click on the family in the bin, then open the cheat console and type in "family funds FAMILYNAME xxxxxx" with FAMILYNAME being the name of the family as it shows up in the bin and xxxxxx being the amount of simoleans you want, without a comma (there's no limit, as far as I know). Then click on the family again, and they have the funds you gave them.

Thanks Linda for that great tip! Anyone else have some great Sims 2 tips to share? Just comment on this post to leave your great Sims 2 tip!